Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I'm Back

It's been a while. I guess I've been on a blogging vacation, or something like that. We've been busy finishing school, and playing hard. We go to Seven Peaks once a week, so we can practice jumping over waves for our trip to Oregon. One of the kids' chores is weeding every day. They love it, let me tell you. Just keeping my dad's tradition of child labor through weeding alive.

So, I've finally been organizing all of our pictures so I can put them into books and print them out. I know, will miracles never cease. In doing so, I've realized how much Kate and Sage look alike. Apparently we only make one kind of girl. Poor things have to look like their mom. Anyway, I thought I'd post a picture of Kate and Sage at the same age to see what you think. See if you can tell who is who. Yes, they're wearing the same coat. Got to love hand-me-downs. Good luck, and happy summer fun!


the mortensen's said...

That is hilarious! top one is Sage?

Tamara said...

Holy cow! They are SO similar looking! That's amazing.

The Christensen's said...

That is awesome!! I love that coat! and sage is totally on that bottom!:)

Audrey said...

I vote Sage on the top? I'm so curious to get the answer :)

Awesome on the first place! Are you sure you don't want to split my relay with me? Yes, it is against the rules, but I think it is the christian thing to do...a first placer helping a last place friend.