Monday, February 22, 2016

Happy Birthday Linz!!

I haven't done one of these posts for a while, but it seems appropriate this year for some reason.  Yesterday was Linz's birthday.  She would have been 31.  I've been thinking of her a lot lately.  Sounds like a lot of other people have too for some reason.  She must be out and about lately or something.  A couple of weeks ago she was in my dream.  This almost never happens, so it's always a treat when it does.  This dream was especially good because I got to just hug her and hug her.  It was so great!

Yesterday I talked about Linz a lot with my kids and we watched her movie.  Sage said the prayer before bed and she prayed that we could all be happy like Linz.  I loved it.  Love that they could feel of her happy spirit, though I still wish like crazy they could actually play with her.

It's been 8 years since she passed away.  That's such a long time that it seems like everyone would have forgotten her (except her family of course).  It made me happy this year to see that people still remember her, and it made my heart happy that there are so many good people around.  People wore blue to remember her, thoughts were shared with my dad, and people came by to visit.  Of course people still remember Linz!  How could they not?  She had a grand spirit that is not easily forgotten.

So happy birthday Linz!  Miss you a ton!!!!


ellen said...

I'm friends with your sister Melanie (I live in Boston). I organized a Sister Missionary panel recently for our Young Women and I gave them each a fake mission call and one of them got called to Linz's mission in honor of her. :)