Sunday, January 12, 2020

Christmas, New Years, and Other Stuff

Trying to finish out December.  I still have one more big post to get out, but I'm not ready to tackle that one yet.  Christmas was really good this year.  Like one of my favorites.  We spent some time with Greg and Tracy before we headed to Dad's for Christmas Eve.  We had a delicious dinner in the garage, which is kind of awesome.  Then we went caroling, this time just walking to a few houses.  Also awesome.  Then we had talents and testimonies.  Zack and Kate worked really hard to figure out Carol of the Bells with the electric guitar and piano.  They sounded pretty awesome I think.  My dad wasn't sure what to think about an electric guitar being played in his house, but I think they won him over.  It was a great night. 

Christmas Day Sage woke us all up at 7 to open presents.  That girl makes us all excited for events.  By 9:00 we were done with presents and breakfast, so we decided to go ski at Deer Valley.  Such a great day skiing.  The weather was great and we all had a lot of fun.  We finished up the day with some sitting in the hot tub at Red Ledges.  It ended up being the perfect mix of sitting around and enjoying the day with some fun activities mixed in.

New Years was a little different this year.  I have to admit that my introverted self really hates this holiday.  I feel all this pressure to be with friends, but usually end up not with friends.  Which I'm totally fine with every other day of the year.  My kids all had stuff planned this year, which was good.  Zack went to a church thing at the rec center.  Which he hated, but it was good for him to go.  He said "Next year I'll be able to drive so I can go where I want."  I told him that sounds great.  Kate invited a bunch of friends over.  They stayed until after midnight and according to Jake were, "very loud."  Sage got invited to a friend's house, but got home in time to ring the new year in with me.  And then we started off 2020 with, you guessed it, skiing! 

Other happenings in December:  Kate got her YW medallion!  In one year!  I'm proud of her!  The yw in our ward worked together all year to get their medallion before they went away.  They spent a lot of time, and not all of them got it.  Kate was a new beehive, but worked hard and managed to get it done.  Way to go Kate! 

Sage had a Christmas list of what she wanted:  Go to SLC, go shopping, give three meals to homeless people, get hot chocolate.  I was a little confused, but she said, "I love shopping!  And when I'm at the store I always see what I REALLY want."  So I managed to find a day in the middle of the craziness, and we went to Target in Orem.  I told her SLC was out of her budget.  I gave her a budget of $100, and then followed her around the store.  She told me I needed to set aside 8 hours for this event.  She managed to finish in 2 (thank heavens).  First we went through and she put everything she wanted in the cart.  Then we added it all up and she had to get it down to $100.  It was fun to watch her decide what to keep.  And she kept hugging me and telling me thanks for taking her.  We finished up at Olive Garden.  She told me it was the best day of her life.  I'm guessing this will become a tradition, which is fine with me:)

Jake got his camping mat out to be able to lay on the floor in front of the fire.  We used to have a rug before Chester ate it.

Sage and I started off the season at the Midway City lighting of the Christmas tree.  I love living in a small town!

the cute YW in our ward

Kate got her medallion!

Our kids artistic rendering of Revelation

Ginberbread house efforts

Sage's dance recital.  After which we promptly switched her back to her old dance studio.

Best day ever!

Definitely over budget

Company snowmobile party!

Jordanelle Christmas lights

Christmas Sunday

Awesome talents

Cute nativity

I love my nieces and nepwews

Christmas pajamas from Grandma Tracy!

Christmas skiing

Christmas legos


Cute sweater

New Years Eve day at Red Ledges