Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Cedar and Bryce!

 The last 6 weeks have been so busy I hardly had time to breathe.  And now suddenly it's the opposite of busy and I finally have time to catch up.  Let's see what I can remember...

Two weeks after Hilton Head we went to Cedar for a mountain bike race.  Everyone but me and Sage raced in it.  This was the maiden family voyage with the trailer.  It took Jake a second to be ok with us touching things.  You know, camp trailers might get dirty.  But eventually he calmed down and we were able to enjoy the trailer.  I will say that I've never slept so good camping.  It was pretty awesome.  And I loved that we were able to camp anywhere.  Dirt road?  No problem.  Rocks in the way?  No big deal.

Anyway, most of the family raced.  They survived.  No one did exceptionally well.  They all said it was one of the hardest races they've ever done.  Then wondered why I won't race...  After the race we were hanging out in camp and realized there wasn't much around.  And it was hot.  And windy.  So Jake suggested we pack up and head to Bryce Canyon.  We've been trying to make it back there for years, but it somehow never happens.  It took some convincing, but finally I was on-board.  So that's the other thing that's cool about the trailer.  You can pack up fairly quickly and move around.  No more being stuck in one place.

So we made it to Bryce.  We haven't been there since I was pregnant with Zack.  In other words, the kids have never been.  It was as amazing as I remembered.  We camped in an awesome spot off a dirt road.  It was so much cooler.  And no wind.  We went and saw beautiful Bryce, drove up to the top, and went on a family mountain bike ride on the Thunder Mountain trail I've been wanting to do for a while.  Even Sage did it.  Surprisingly it was not as easy as Jake and Zack said (note the sarcasm).  But we survived and it was really beautiful.  We made it home late that night.  Which is like a Jorgenson Family record because Jake usually leaves first thing.  It ended up being a great trip!  The trailer for the win!  (also Sage named the trailer Bolt, so it shall now be referred to as such).

Sorry for all the pictures, but it's impossible not to take a ton in Bryce.