Thursday, June 13, 2024

April Fun

 I thought for sure I already wrote about April!  Drat.  April had a lot going on.  We started off with spring break.  This year spring break was a little different.  We spent the first weekend in St George.  Jake and Sage did the Frog Hollow 6 hour race.  This is becoming a fun little tradition.  Me, Jake, and Sage headed home and Kate stayed in St George.  Her friends joined her for a fun little senior vacation.  Meanwhile, Jake and I headed to Texas for one of his builder meetings.  Sage got to experience staying home by herself.  She was a little hesitant, but soon realized it's kind of nice to be on your own for a bit.  Although she was really on her own because everyone in the valley was gone for spring break.  

Jake and I went to Galveston and then Beaumont.  Galveston had beaches, and was ok.  Beaumont was not my favorite place.  There was actually nothing to do there.  It's difficult living in Midway because most places we go just aren't as nice.  I love where we live, just wish there were less people who love it.

Prom happened for Kate right after spring break.  She looked beautiful and her date was super nice.  Even brought flowers for me:)  It was his first date, ever.  Maybe his first extended conversation with a girl.  Lucky him to go with Kate who is so nice and makes everyone feel comfortable.  She had a good time, maybe her best dance.  Out with a bang!

Sage experienced dry needling.  It seemed very painful, but then she wanted to do it again.

Toquerville Falls

We went to our first crawfish broil (I think that's what it was called)

Kate and Sage went to the Johnson Files while we were in Texas