Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Thanksgiving was good. Not as relaxing as in years past, but good all the same. I got to make thanksgiving dinner with my Aunt Barbra. Good thing she was there or I probably would have had a panic attack. I was in the kitchen all of Weds. afternoon and Thursday morning. Jake kept watching me go crazy and shaking his head as to why I would put myself through all of that. Right now I'm not sure it was worth it. That food I spent hours slaving over sure disappeared quickly. But I'll probably be ready to do it again by next year. I am proud of myself for pulling it off. The only minor problem was that the turkey had to cook 30 minutes longer than we planned, but other than that everything was perfect. My mom was there in the background giving much needed advice and saving the gravy.

On Friday we headed to Boise for my grandma's 80th birthday party. 80 years is a long time. I hope I look like she does if I live to be 80. My cousin Jen was super nice and let us all ride her horse. The kids even got on and seemed to enjoy it. They know what they're doing on a horse more than I do.

All in all, a good weekend. I'm grateful for all of the good memories I can get right now. They keep you going when times get tough.


Autumn said...

Ok, if I can run, you can cook Thanksgiving. Proud of you. Glad for your memories.

April and Jared Fenn said...

Good for you! I thought you couldn't cook, well, at least in the mission you weren't much a cook. :)

Melanie said...

Good job on the dinner. Everyone told me you rocked in the kitchen. But I rock more.
By the way, you look great too!

Hilary said...

There's one thing I have learned about Thanksgiving dinner -- the turkey ALWAYS takes longer than you plan! I am seriously impressed, though!