Monday, July 30, 2012

Child For Sale!

I could totally see Sage doing this
 I have a cute, blonde hair, blue eyed three-year-old if anyone wants her.  Please, I might even pay you to take her (this statement might get me arrested).  Sage can be so cute, but she can also be so hard.  Her independence is going to get her (and me) in big trouble one of these days.  Today she decided to take some purple paint upstairs.  Not allowed at all.  It was only a few seconds before I figured out what she had done, but it was too late.  I turned the corner to the stairs and there was purple everywhere....the walls, the banister, the couch, the ceiling, and yes, all over the carpet.  Big purple blobs.  Are you kidding me??!!!!   The paint came off the walls super easy.  The carpet?  Not so much.  Big purple spots all over the carpet.  Even my trusty steamer wouldn't get them out.  I have to admit I'm not very hopeful of anything totally removing the paint.  I mean, its purple, dark, dark purple.  Sage has been sitting in her room, no lunch for her today.  It's unknown whether she threw the paint or dropped it.  I'm guessing it was thrown.  Normally in times like these I pause to take a picture.  This was so bad that I couldn't stop to enjoy it.  What do I turn to?  Chips and salsa with some Dr Pepper.  Drastic times call for drastic measures.

So we're back to where I started....Will anyone please take Sage?  Ok, you can't really take her forever.  But maybe a day or two?  My sanity is at risk here...


April said...

Oh wow...good luck!

Erika Spjute Gray said...

Oh my. I will take her!!! Send her to Boise. Emmy and I would LOVE IT!!!