Sunday, July 5, 2015

The 4th!!

Ok, trying to get back into posting right when things actually happen, not months later.  It's a miracle.  Although I do have a disclaimer that I pretty much took no pictures on the actual 4th.  I know, I'm horrible.  But I did take a bunch of pictures the day before.  That counts right?

Jake was able to be done with work early on Friday, since apparently most of the world made Friday a holiday as well.  Lucky us.  So we headed up to the Canyons Resort to use our season passes.  Yes, we figured out that we can use our passes in the summer on the lifts.  We can ride any of the lifts for free (well, season passes are far from free, but you know what I mean).  So we headed up a couple of lifts to Alpine Lake.  It was awesome.  We ended up at a beautiful lake with pretty much no hiking involved.  We ate lunch and enjoyed sitting in a temperature of less than 90 degrees.  Then we walked downhill for about a mile and rode the lifts back down to the car.  My kind of hiking for sure.  We'll definitely be doing that again.

On the 4th Jake, Zack and I started it out by going on a mountain bike ride.  I love riding with my family.  Hopefully one day the girls will join us.  The kids spent most of the day on a big water slide that our friends rented.  They loved it.  Then we got a Hawaii Ice (our new favorite treat) and headed to our friends for a BBQ.  The night ended sitting in our front yard watching the fireworks from Memorial Hill.  They were awesome as usual.  All in all, a good 4th of July I think:)

up the first lift

and the second

the awesome lake (pond really)

This is how we looked on the 4th
FINALLY got bedding for Jake and I.  Even if you don't like it I promise its a bajillion times better than what we had