Friday, January 18, 2008

Beautiful Midway

So, I love living here in Midway. I wasn't too sure about it when we moved here, but now I never want to leave. It's sooo beautiful and so quiet. There's no traffic and everyone is so friendly. Every time we go into the valley I get super stressed with all of the traffic. And let's not forget that we don't get that nasty inversion here. That's right. When the Wasatch Front is experiencing yucky, dirty air we have beautiful, warm sunshine. You should all be jealous. This is an open invitation to all of you to come visit whenever you get the urge.

I have to admit that really I mostly did this post to see if I could upload another picture. We got a new camera and I'm not sure I can upload those pictures. Here I go again... Success! Yes! I'm amazing!


Hilary said...

Midway sounds like Salmon, ID. I'd love to move there with you. Can your husband build me a house for cheap?? :)

Tamara said...

Laura, I am so proud of you for blogging! Right on. Your family looks cute and Midway looks tempting...when is visitor's season?