Friday, January 18, 2008

Blogging Here I Come!

So, I love reading everyone else's blogs and have debated starting one of my own. My biggest hesitation is what in the world happens to us that anyone would want to read about. I guess I'll give it a try though. Read at your own risk. Tips and feedback would be most welcome as I'm feeling quite computer illiterate at the moment. Here goes nothing! Maybe I'll try a picture just to see how it works....Well, it didn't work. I got an error message. I knew this was a big mistake...


Hilary said...

This is exactly how I felt starting a blog! Computers and I don't get along, so I knew it would be quite the learning experience. I'm enjoying it though, and I love when other people blog because I feel like I can keep up on their lives so much better. Keep up the great blogging, and I'll be checking back often! :)