Tuesday, August 26, 2008


For those of you who don't know Zack, he is super smart. Like already smarter than I am smart. He's four years old and can already read. This is not because he has a mom who spends hours every day working with him. No, he pretty much taught himself.

Well, apparently he also knows how to write now. He came downstairs yesterday and told me he wrote crap. I said, "I want to see...show me." Sure enough, there on his etch-a-sketch is the word 'crap' obviously written by Zack. This brings conflicting emotions. Amazement that he was able to sound the word out and also able to write letters that I've never taught him. Shock at the choice of the first word he ever decides to write (other than his name). Why in the world did he decide to write 'crap'?!! I wish I could know what was going through his head. He really doesn't say it much, but apparently I do. Anyway, let's hope the next word he writes is not a four-letter word. I love kids!


Matt and Mandy said...

That is awesome! That's so something I expect from my kids, one of Mason's first spoken words was 'crap', it just so happens to be my favorite word. :)

Melanie said...

I can't believe you use that 4-letter word around your kids! I am shocked. What kind of mother are you?
zack is hilarious!

The Christensen's said...

Holy Crap! Is that appropriate?? That is so funny, I can't believe he is so smart. That is something you should've got a picture of.

the mortensen's said...

what a smartie pants! Later in life he will be so proud that was his first written word

About Us. said...

You know the old saying' "Your mother's words will come out of your mouth someday, (when your a Mom)."
That does not shock me half as bad as hearing my child repeat the many words or phrases I say too much.
Ah, the joys of parenthood!

The Hills Family said...

That is HILARIOUS!!! I keep telling Jody he better be careful with what he says, because McKenna will be repeating it....LOL!